Youth policies: Prof. Enrico Deidda Gagliardo in the “COmittee for Evaluating the GEnerational Impact of public policies”

2 August 2021

The Minister for Youth policies, Fabiana Dadone, set up COVIGE, the COmittee for Evaluating the GEnerational Impact of public policies, which will undertake the task of developing indicators and collecting data on the Impact of public policies and measures regarding, either directly or indirectly, the new generations, starting with the results expected from the projects contained in the PNRR.

Setting up the Committee whose work we launch today [22 July 2021], is a great qualitative leap in setting out youth policies. Young people are put at the centre of the Government’s policies by means of instruments and indicators able to measure and therefore coordinate the dynamics”. With these words the Minister Fabiana Dadone opened the work of the committee, in the presence of the Chief of Cabinet, Prof. Giovanni Panebianco, and of Head of Department, Counsellor Marco De Giorgi.

The Committee, chaired by Minister Dadone, is comprised of 17 members selected from the directors and representatives of Public Administrations, such as Istat, Inps, Inapp, National Health Institute, as well as University lecturers, and experts in evaluation and youth policies, including representatives of the National Youth Council and National Youth Agency.

These also include Prof. Enrico Deidda Gagliardo, Scientific Director of CERVAP, the Public Value Research Centre, and Deputy Pro-rector of the University of Ferrara.

Among the tasks of COVIGE, over the coming months, will be that of defining indicators useful for evaluating generational impact also with reference models used in other EU countries and the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda as well as the development of proposals on evaluating the impact of measures for young people in the National Recovery and Resilience Plan.