The 3 March sees the inauguration of the National Observatory of Agile Working Technical Committee

“Smart working has definitely been essential during the acute phase of the Pandemic and has marked a cultural change from which all the consequent analyses must be drawn”, the Minister of Public Administration Renato Brunetta commented.
Out of 162 administrations monitored through the performance portal of the Civil Service Department, 54 of these, or roughly 33%, published their Agile Working Organisational Plan (AWOP) by the deadline of 31 January 2021 set by the “Relaunch Decree” (Law Decree no.34 dated 19 May 2020).
Antonio Naddeo, Counsellor to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and Coordinator of the Technical Committee of the Observatory of Agile Working, will have the duty, bestowed by mandate of the Minister of Public Administration Renato Brunetta, of inaugurating and launching on Wednesday 3 March at 11.00 the National Observatory of Agile Working Technical Committee, at the Presidency of the Council and similarly established under the “Relaunch Decree”.
But what is the AWOP? The Agile Working Organisational Plan is a specific section of the Performance Plan, an instrument for programming agile working, or rather its method of implementation and development, to be adopted by 31 January each year. The basic idea has a strong organisational significance: agile working is not improvisation, and therefore an emergency situation, but programming, in keeping with the various instruments established by the legislator.
Prof. Enrico Deidda Gagliardo, Deputy Pro-rector of the University of Ferrara and Scientific Director of the Public Value Research Centre (CERVAP), along with a further 13 experts from the public and private sector or from the academic world, will constitute the National Observatory of Agile Working Technical Committee recently introduced by the Minister Fabiana Dadone.
On the subject of AWOP, the Minister Renato Brunetta continues “We now need to make it one of the instruments for organising the work of the individual administrations, closely connected to the level of quality of the services provided to citizens and businesses. […]. The phenomenon must be comprehensively studied and enormous investments are needed in terms of planning, relations with unions, regulatory, infrastructural and social intelligence also in view of the digital transition challenge that Europe calls upon us to face up to”.