Organisational Health
Nowadays it appears to be increasingly important for public and private organisations to know how to react to external changes also by taking innovative business organisation measures, preserving and/or improving the so-called “organisational health”. Organisational health refers to the organisation’s ability to reconcile the achievement of collective and individual goals. More specifically, it is the ability to achieve the organisational performance desired and, at the same time, the ability to generate a working context in which it is possible to safeguard and improve the psychophysical wellbeing of people. Organisational health can be explored in terms of the organisational, motivational and behavioural implications on the Management and employees of Public Administrations. The main aspects concerning organisational health include: motivational processes of the people involved in the organisational contexts; leadership processes, in particular with regard to the directors, supervisors and all those in a position of responsibility, with reference to a “methodological” type of leadership; work organisation processes from the perspective of job co-design, valuing autonomy and proactivity on the part of operators and the ability to work as a team. The conditions of satisfactory organisational health are those in which people are valued for their individual capabilities, including in a group context. This aspect is even more marked if the purposes of the organisational context demand activities of a complex nature, sophisticated or in any case frequent and significative problem solving actions, creativity or a certain level of non-repetition of the solutions. In the Public Value Pyramid model, organisational health – seen as the adequacy of the authority’s organisation in relation to its aims and strategies – is one of the types of health of the resources necessary to achieve performance in terms of efficiency, effectiveness and impact. The issue of Agile Working also falls within this context, as a lever for organisational development.
Clara SpA: il Report del Valore Pubblico 2022
La seconda edizione del Report del Valore Pubblico di Clara SpA, una nuova forma di rendicontazione integrata degli impatti - economici, sociali, ambientali e sanitari - creati in relazione agli Stakeholder interni ed esterni. L’obiettivo del Report del Valore Pubblico è di misurare, valutare e rendicontare il contributo al raggiungimento dei Sustainable Developement Goals (SDGs) dell’Agenda 2030 e alla creazione di Valore Pubblico.
Partner: Clara SpA
Public Value Report: first application to the public utility Clara SpA
The Public Value Report is a new form of reporting that integrates the economic, social, environmental and health impacts created by the activities of an organisation, whether public or private, in relation to its internal and external stakeholders. The aim of the Public Value Report is to measure, evaluate and report the contribution made by an organisation to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set in the 2030 Agenda and to creating Public Value.
Partner: Clara SpA
Smartworking Plan: monitoring the programming quality
With this work, the Research Centre sets itself the objective of monitoring the effective implementation, by Public Administrations, of the Guidelines no. 6/2020 “AWOP and performance indicators” issued by the Civil Service Department.
Partner: Dipartimento della Funzione Pubblica
Advanced training
Master PERF.ET sul miglioramento delle PERFormance degli Enti Territoriali e delle altre pubbliche amministrazioni per la creazione di Valore Pubblico
In streaming/presenza
DURATA: 1 a.a. – Part Time
Master Bologna Business School in Public Management and Innovation
In presenza
DURATA: 14 mesi - Part Time
Public engagement
27 Nov2024
Il futuro del lavoro nella PA
Organiser: Work on Work - Ferrara Expo
dalle ore 12:15 alle 13:15
Plenaria "Luigi Einaudi" Padiglione 2 - Ferrara Expo, Via della Fiera, 11, 44124 Ferrara
12 Apr2024
OPEN DAY | La “generazione” del Valore Pubblico: come i giovani innoveranno le PA
Organiser: CERVAP - Centro di Ricerca sul Valore Pubblico
dalle ore 09:30 alle 13:30
Aula Magna – Palazzo Trotti Mosti, Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza Università degli Studi di Ferrara, Corso Ercole I d'Este, 37, 44121 Ferrara
28 Apr2023
PIAO e creazione di Valore Pubblico: buone pratiche dai diversi comparti
Organiser: CERVAP - Centro di Ricerca sul Valore Pubblico
dalle ore 09:00 alle 13:00
Laboratorio Aperto Ex Teatro Verdi - Via Castelnuovo, 10 Ferrara
26 Gen2022
Performance e Rewarding nella Pubblica Amministrazione
Organiser: Master PERF.ET
dalle ore 15:00 alle 17:00
In Diretta Streaming
14 Dic2021
Smart Working: stato e prospettive di una rivoluzione possibile
Organiser: Master PERF.ET
dalle ore 15:00 alle 17:00
Diretta Streaming
04 Giu2021
Tavola Rotonda: La misurazione della performance e il controllo di gestione. Riflessioni sul sistema dei controlli interni nella PA alla prova della pandemia e del Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza (PNNR)
Organiser: Master PERF.ET
dalle ore 09:00 alle 13:00
Youtube (Unife Channel)
19 Mar2021
Esperienze e prospettive dello Smart Working nelle Pubbliche Amministrazioni. Quali contributi dal Performance Management, dal Risk Management e dal Project Management?
Organiser: Master PERF.ET
dalle ore 10:00 alle 13:00