How is Public Value governed? This question should lead Public Administrations and all other players that are in various ways concerned with the joint provision of services in a community, to question themselves about the determining factors for correct programming, management, measurement, evaluation and reporting of the impacts produced on the receivers of public policies. Governing this inter-organisational process cannot be improvised, on this matter the scientific literature identifies ways of defining the “rules of play” between various organisations that in some way contribute to the overall improvement in the equitable and sustainable wellbeing of a territory.
This ambitious objective could be achieved through the adoption of a model of “Public Value Governance (PVG)”, based on 4 pillars:
- Pillar I, policy type: “Public Value Policy”, i.e. a policy commitment to generating equitable and sustainable wellbeing;
- Pillar II, managerial type: “Public Value Management”, i.e. management and staff able to raise the organisational gaze from the contingent working situation and to direct administrative action based on generating PV, also enabling the transition from traditional hierarchical organisational logics to transverse process logics based on digital simplification. This context includes integrated process mapping, functional to their simplification and possible digitalisation;
- Pillar III, participatory type: “Public Value Participation”, i.e. creating Public Value with the participation of the citizens and of the organisation’s staff;
- Pillar IV, functional type: “Performance and Risk Management integration for Public Value creation”, i.e. programming, measurement, evaluation, reporting and continuous beneficial re-feeding of the organisation’s performance as well as of the measure of risk containment, in order to generate Public Value.
This model could become a methodological and organisational driving force through which to finalise the performance of the various organisations towards the improvement of equitable wellbeing and sustainable development, setting up authentic Performance networks directed towards satisfying the needs of the citizens.
SNA Project: the Public Value Governance of Sustainable Mobility
Project ranked first in the competitive research call (Projects for a new Public Administration) promoted by the National School of Administration, on the topic of “Improving the results and quality of services”.
Partner: Scuola Nazionale dell’Amministrazione (SNA)
Advanced training
Master PERF.ET sul miglioramento delle PERFormance degli Enti Territoriali e delle altre pubbliche amministrazioni per la creazione di Valore Pubblico
In streaming/presenza
DURATA: 1 a.a. – Part Time
Master Bologna Business School in Public Management and Innovation
In presenza
DURATA: 14 mesi - Part Time
Public engagement
La “Public Value Collaborative Governance” della Filiera della Mobilità Sostenibile