Smart Working, the first investigation into the quality of the Agile Working Organisational Plan (AWOP)

The subjects monitored are 34 administrations in the “Main Functions” sector that published the Agile Working Organisational Plan (AWOP) by 30 April 2021, on the performance portal or on their institutional website.
The average overall quality is around 67%. On the podium of organisations with the highest AWOP programming quality are ISTAT (90%), the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies (89%) and the Ministry of Economy and Finance (88%), that that become possible reference benchmarks to all effects.
However, various critical issues must still be improved, such as the insufficient evaluation of the external and internal impacts of smart working and the need to further fine-tune the organisational, training, technological and/or logistical choices. If on the one hand there has been a strong organisational reaction in response to the Covid emergency, on the other the effects have not been adequately monitored.
These are the main results of the first study on the quality of the Agile Working Organisational Plans (AWOP) 2021-2023, presented during the meeting on 12 May of the National observatory of agile working in public administrations.
“In six months we will have smart working up to speed as one of the contractual ways of public work expression and we will have experiences to study, which I hope will all be of good quality and successful. This is the path we have identified: maximum pragmatism, maximum flexibility and maximum responsibility, taking into account the satisfaction of citizens and the effectiveness and efficiency of the services” commented the Minister of Public Administration Renato Brunetta on opening the meeting.
The research, with the aim of mapping the programming quality of the AWOPs, in the sense of the level of adequacy of the content in order to make the Agile Working Organisational Plan an instrument of guidance for organising ordinary agile working or smart working, was coordinated by Professor Enrico Deidda Gagliardo and conducted in close collaboration between CERVAP – the Public Value Research Centre of the University of Ferrara and the Office for Performance Evaluation of the Civil Service Department.