Public Value and Employment: Prof. Enrico Deidda Gagliardo speaking to the Chamber of Deputies

The challenge of employment has always been a critical issue in Italy and the repeated economic downturns resulting from the health emergency have worsened the conditions with anything but positive estimations.
Currently, the system of active employment policies is managed by a network of actors, both public and private, at central and decentralised level, which need to be strengthened, like the commitments of the Government, due to the critical and crucial nature of the challenges that must be faced in the near future.
It is clearly evident that these resources must ensure maximum possible result in terms of effectiveness: in such a critical situation, every Euro invested must generate a benefit for the community; a benefit that is clear, tangible, identifiable and significant.
In the same way, it seems necessary to adopt, in keeping with the indications of the Civil Service Department, an instrument for multidimensional measurement of the Public Value generated by the system of services dedicated to use, towards which the PA performance systems must be directed, to allow an evaluation which, besides taking into account the effects of the investment, make it possible to quickly identify actions needed to improve their effectiveness and efficiency.
On Tuesday 20 July, at 13.40, the 11th Commission – Public and Private Employment engaged in the following hearings as part of the discussions on resolution 7-00635 of the Hon. Antonio Viscomi and Romina Mura, concerning verification of the effectiveness of active employment policy interventions and defining general objectives for public administrations:
- Enrico Deidda Gagliardo, full professor of Accounting and Finance at the University of Ferrara;
- Chiara Pollina, sole director of Value Comune srl;
- Renato Ruffini, full professor of Business organisation at the Milan State University;
- Angelo Maria Savazzi, expert in evaluating administrative and individual performance in public administrations;
- Elena Zuffada, full professor of Accounting and Finance at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan.
But what is Public Value generated by employment policies?
According to Prof. Enrico Deidda Gagliardo, it is the level of wellbeing of the recipients of active employment policies (workers, businesses and PAs), crystallised in “satisfactory employment” i.e. adequate in relation to the expertise of the people and the needs of businesses and PAs. This is achieved by means of the search for a dynamic equilibrium between the impacts (economic, social, environmental and health) of the policies, thanks to effective and efficient organisation of the public-private network of the services for employment, able to manage the risks of lacking, poor or inadequate employment (as well as cherry picking) starting with care of the health of public administrations, of the employment agencies and of the other components of the network. All this, in a functional way to general objectives, pursuant to art. 5, paragraph 1, letter ‘a’ of Legislative Decree 150/2009 as modified by Legislative Decree 74/2017, on employment policies defined at national level and also measurable in terms of BES and/or SDGs.
In a simplified formula: + HEALTH RESOURCES of the Network of the Services for Employment –> + RSI PERFORMANCE –> – RSI RISKS –> + IMPACTS on workers and businesses –> + PUBLIC VALUE generated by the employment policies