Research Projects

SNA Project: the Public Value Governance of Sustainable Mobility


Partner: Scuola Nazionale dell’Amministrazione (SNA)


Sustainable Mobility is one of the basic levers for improving the wellbeing of citizens from the perspective of sustainable development, also from the perspective of the Recovery Plan (PNRR).

With regard to Public Administration, the introduction of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (PUMS) was a concrete evolution in the planning of Sustainable Mobility for Local Authorities, as it is a co-programming document of this policy. The initial experiences of the PUMS brought to light certain issues, such as the existence of too many mobility planning instruments in the various levels of government (for example ministerial, regional, municipal), the inadequate ways of involving citizens in the executive phase of the PUMS and the need to monitor the effects of these policies, selecting indicators that also allow appropriate comparison between various Local Authorities. An important issue is therefore identified in the governance of the Sustainable Mobility supply chain, where the term supply chain refers to the collective of players that should collaborate, along the same performance cycle, to deliver a complementary institutional mission (Sustainable Mobility) and the improvement of common objectives of wellbeing and sustainable development (such as, for example, the reduction of pollutant emissions, measurable by Equitable and Sustainable Wellbeing (BES) and the SDGs).


To overcome the issues highlighted above, allowing the organisations to work synergically with a view to Equitable Wellbeing and Sustainable Development, an innovative Public Value Governance Model (PVG) can be applied. This model is based on four pillars: 1. Political Commitment 2. Management with transverse skills 3. The participation of citizens, stakeholders and contributors 4. Integration between performance and risk management to create and protect Public Value. Constructing this model involves identifying the players in the supply chain (ministries, regions, local authorities, companies and agencies, and citizens) and of the duties they undertake (Planning, Financing, etc..) within the phases of the performance cycle.

Enabling conditions for the success of the model, in terms of Public Value generated, are those concerning the Health of the resources, and in particular digital health and organisational health, that increase the “solidity” of the aforementioned pillars.

In the context of a supply chain, considering therefore the ways of interinstitutional collaboration between several PAs but also the participation of contributors, citizens, users and stakeholders, the Public Value Governance Model takes the name of Public Value Collaborative Governance (PVCG).

The research allows to identify the ways of applying the PVCG model in the Sustainable Mobility supply chain, including the Ministries of Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility (MIMS, formerly MIT), of Ecological Transition (MITE, formerly MATTM) and of Economic Development (MISE). At regional and local level it is concentrated on the experiences of excellence of the Emilia-Romagna Region and of the municipalities with populations in excess of 50,000 inhabitants that have approved or adopted the PUMS. Once having verified that the PVG model can be applied to the case in question, an innovative digitalised supply chain planning document is proposed for co-programming between the PAs of the various levels of government.


Among the different methodologies used in the research, in order to investigate the perceived usefulness of the proposed model a research survey was administered to the main players in the sustainable mobility supply chain, i.e. politicians, administrators, directors, evaluators, PUMS experts and other key figures such as the Mobility Manager and the digital transition managers (DTM). The number of final participants is 41.

With regard to the state-of-the-art of the Sustainable Mobility supply chain, what emerges is the lack of a recognised and structured supply chain governance model. There also emerges a perception of inadequacy and insufficient integration between the current programming instruments (but also those for measuring, evaluating and reporting), above all in a supply chain logic that supports the creation of Public Value. These findings are also backed up by textual analysis of the PUMS.

To summarize, a clear and widespread gap is perceived for measuring and evaluating performance, transversal to all the dimensions suggested by the Civil Service Department (health of the resources, efficiency, effectiveness, impact).

The perceived usefulness of the Public Value Collaborative Governance model proposed emerges strongly, in terms of the pillars on which the model is based, as well as the enabling conditions that would guarantee the robustness of the model itself.

To bridge the aforementioned gaps and to support the supply chain governance, the researchers proposed three possible variations of the Public Value Governance model and one instrument (digitalised plan) for programming and reporting Public Value. These products, together with the research Report, are the output of the project.

The research, financed by the SNA (Scuola Nazionale dell’Amministrazione) and coordinated by Prof. Enrico DEIDDA GAGLIARDO, saw the involvement of CERVAP researchers (Enrico Bracci, Giovanni Masino, Domenico Berdicchia, Luca Papi, Giorgia Gobbo, Mouhcine Tallaki, Riccardo Ievoli, Marco Tuffanelli and Francesca Fini) from the University of Ferrara, (Andrea Baruzzo, Andrea Vendrame) from the University of Udine (Paolo Coppola), from the CNR (Gianpiero Ruggiero) and ISTAT (Fabio Bacchini).

Public Value, Governance, Wellbeing and Sustainable Development,