Prof. Enrico Deidda Gagliardo appointed to the “National Observatory of smart working Technical Committee”

“The smart working revolution in Public Administration cannot be imposed from above, instead it must be accompanied, supported and monitored carefully. The change must be governed”. Thus the Minister of Public Administration Fabiana Dadone anticipated the recent introduction of the National Observatory of smart working, following the approval in December 2020 of the Guidelines that that will aid Public Administrations in preparation the Smart working Plan.
Various tasks are assigned to the National Observatory that may develop ideas, proposals and technical-methodological directions on matters of smart working in Public Administration, including of a regulatory, organisational or technological nature. In this sense, it may also interact with the major stakeholders, to develop the expertise of public staff, the managerial capacities of directors, and the measurement and evaluation of organisational and individual performances.
One of the tasks of the National Observatory, pursuant to art. 2 of the Ministerial Decree dated 4 November 2020, will be an analysis of the status of implementing Plans by the authorities, monitoring the effects on the organisation of administrations and the activities carried out by them, in particular on the services provided to citizens and businesses in terms of benefits for the administration and the citizens and, lastly, the promotion of specific awareness and communication initiatives on matters of smart working in Public Administration.
To support the activities of the Observatory Technical Committee, Prof. Enrico Deidda Gagliardo Deputy Pro-rector of the University of Ferrara and Scientific Director of the Public Value Research Centre (CERVAP) has been appointed along with a further 13 experts of the public and private sector or from the academic world, who will make up the Technical Committee. As specified in the Ministerial Decree dated 20 January 2021, the members of the National Observatory of smart working in public administrations, as well as those of the Technical Committee, are appointed for a three-year term and may only be reappointed for one additional term.