Pro-rector for creating Public Value: an innovative appointment for the University of Ferrara

Ferrara, 13 December 2021. The new Rector of the University of Ferrara Prof. Laura Ramaciotti, by personal decree, appointed to the post of “Pro-rector for Programming, Budget and Creating Public Value” Prof. Enrico Deidda Gagliardo, Scientific Director of the Public Value Research Centre, of the Master in Improving the Performance of Territorial Authorities and other public administrations (PERF.ET), of the Master in Public Management & Innovation of the Bologna Business School (BBS) of the University of Bologna and Full professor of Performance, Anti-corruption and Public Value in the Department of Economics and Management.
This is the first institutional appointment on the Italian panorama dedicated to creating Public Value in the sense of “the improvement in the level of economic-social-environmental wellbeing of the recipients of the policies and public services compared to the starting conditions”. A concept shared by the Civil Service Department and which, also thanks to the efforts of Prof. Enrico Deidda Gagliardo himself, is gaining more and more ground within Public Administration.
The Public Value Research Centre working group is very active in this area and has recently published the results of the Observatory of Public Value created by the Metropolitan Cities: there are 88 indicators, divided into the four performance dimensions (Impact, Effectiveness, Efficiency and Health of the Resources) to promote the diffusion of integrated Public Value programming practices in an interinstitutional logic.
Over the next three years Prof. Enrico Deidda Gagliardo will carry out for the University of Ferrara the direction, initiative and coordination of the activities concerned with creating Public Value, an area of particular importance for the University of Ferrara, that will be aimed at measuring the performance and the impacts of the University itself on students, researchers, technical-administrative staff, and territory, with special reference to the missions of the University system.