Ports of Genoa and risk management: an agreement for a system of multilevel internal audit

12 February 2022

Ports of Genoa and Risk Management. A recent agreement between the Public Value Research Centre (CERVAP), promoted by the University of Ferrara Department of Economics and Management, and the Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority to develop a multilevel internal audit system from the perspective of integrated risk management.

The Public Value Research Centre, especially active in the areas of Performance Management and Risk Management, pursues under its statute research, advanced training and third mission activities, providing in these areas:

  • research activities with reference to the Public Administration of the different sectors, including on commission, offering high qualification, experience and state-of-the-art know-how;
  • advanced training, interactive and directed towards active learning in the sectors of expertise, also in the form of methodological support workshops;
  • public engagement activities and the transfer of knowledge for the purpose of disseminating the results of partnerships or research.

The Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority, which takes in the ports of Genoa, Pra’, Savona and Vado, was set up under Legislative Decree no. 169 dated 4 August 2016 which reorganises and rationalises the discipline of the port authorities covered by law no. 84 of 28 January 1994. The comprehensive nature of its activities in the different seaports make it one of Italy’s biggest port systems, in terms of the quantity of goods and passenger traffic, the number of maritime connections and the quality of auxiliary services offered.

The president of the Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority (ADSP) Dr. Paolo Emilio Signorini therefore chose CERVAP researchers for a two-year collaboration in the area of risk management.

In keeping with the Centre’s purposes, the Scientific Director and a team of researchers from the Research Centre will engage in research, training and third mission services aimed at analysing and mapping the risks of the Port System Authority in order to develop a multilevel internal audit system from the perspective of integrated risk management. Basic and specific training support activities will also be provided as well as actual Innovation Labs with the work team.

Accountability, Economic Financial Health