FORUM PA 2021: the speeches of Prof. Enrico Deidda Gagliardo

FORUM PA 2021, once again this year , the most important national event on innovation took place in a purely digital format from 21 to 25 June. In five days, a rich programme of meetings consisting of scenarios, talks, seminars, interviews and training academies totalling 180 hours of live broadcast, over 700 speakers and almost 200 events streamed live addressing the actions necessary for implementing the missions and projects of the PNRR for the country’s recovery.
The main theme was “Connecting the vital energies of the country” based on the missions, objectives and interventions of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR). Implementing the PNRR is, in this sense, a large collective undertaking and Public Administration could be the “driver” that brings all the actors together.
Prof. Enrico Deidda Gagliardo, Deputy Pro-rector of the University of Ferrara and Scientific Director of CERVAP – Public Value Research Centre, took part also in this edition of FORUM PA as a speaker and with a space entirely given over to the topic of Public Value Governance.
Re-orienting the development: the administrative transition premise for the recovery
In the event that took place on 21 June 2021 on the “new alphabet for Public Administration”, from 14.00 to 18.00, Prof. Enrico Deidda Gagliardo took part as a speaker, in an event coordinated by Dr. Carlo Mochi Sismondi which saw the presence of the Minister of Public Administration Renato Brunetta.
The “Public Value Governance” of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan
In the talk on 23 June 2021 from 11.00 to 12.30, Prof. Enrico Deidda Gagliardo coordinated the debate on how to govern performance and manage risks to improve wellbeing and to promote the development of territories and citizens. Ciro Esposito (Minister for infrastructures and sustainable mobility), Andrea Ciaffi (Director of European and International Affairs – Conference of Regions and autonomous Provinces), Sandro Mazzatorta (Director General –Ferrara Municipal Council), Niccolò Cusumano (Associate Professor of Practice – SDA Bocconi School of Management), Gianpiero Ruggiero (Expert in performance management and innovation processes – CNR) took part in the debate on the model of governance of local Administrations, Regions and Local Authorities for creating Public Value as well as on the improvement of levels of professional and digital health for Good Administration.
What are the prospects for Smart Working in PA post-pandemic? The role of the AWOPs and their evolution
In the event that took place on 25 June 2021 from 17.00 to 18.00, coordinated by Prof. Mariano Corso (Head of Scientific Observatory Digital Innovation in Health at the Polytechnic University of Milan and President of P4I), Antonio Naddeo (President of ARAN) and Enrico Deidda Gagliardo analysed, at a distance of some months after the introduction of the AWOPs and the National Observatory of Agile Working in Public Administrations, the results of the research carried out on the adoption and programming quality of AWOPs, mapping out the trajectories of the challenges for developing Smart Working in PA in the wake of the Pandemic.