The Public Value Research Center (CERVAP) at the University of Ferrara and the Decision Lab at the University of Reggio Calabria have entered a three-year partnership focused on driving innovation in public administration. Through artificial intelligence (AI) and advanced decision-making methodologies, the collaboration aims to strengthen processes that support Public Value creation. "We’re excited to [...]
ISTAT and CERVAP (Research Center on Public Value at the University of Ferrara) have signed a strategic three-year partnership to identify and measure common objectives and indicators of "Public Value". The institutional partnership will provide tools and data to help citizens, businesses, and other stakeholders evaluate the external and internal impacts of policies and projects [...]
Ferrara, April 12, 2024. The Public Value Research Centre (CERVAP) organized the open day "The Generation of Public Value: How Young People Will Innovate Public Administrations," in collaboration with MAPS Group. During the event, preliminary results of a CERVAP survey involving young participants were presented. The data reveals that young people would be more motivated [...]
Published in 2021 in the International Journal of Public Sector Management (IJPSM), the paper by researchers of Public Value Research Center (CERVAP) was elected as the best scientific paper in the 2022 Emerald Literati Awards The paper “Risk management in the public sector: a structured literature review”, by Prof. Enrico Bracci, Dr. Mouhcine Tallaki, Dr. Giorgia [...]
Ports of Genoa and Risk Management. A recent agreement between the Public Value Research Centre (CERVAP), promoted by the University of Ferrara Department of Economics and Management, and the Western Ligurian Sea Port Authority to develop a multilevel internal audit system from the perspective of integrated risk management. The Public Value Research Centre, especially active [...]
From 27 June to 1 July 2022, Rome will host the conference of the International Institute of Administrative Science (IAAS): “IIAS-EUROMENA Conference 2022”. The conference is organised by the University of Rome Tor Vergata and in particular by the Government and Civil Society Research Group of the Department of Management and Law of the Tor [...]
Ferrara, 13 December 2021. The new Rector of the University of Ferrara Prof. Laura Ramaciotti, by personal decree, appointed to the post of “Pro-rector for Programming, Budget and Creating Public Value” Prof. Enrico Deidda Gagliardo, Scientific Director of the Public Value Research Centre, of the Master in Improving the Performance of Territorial Authorities and other [...]
Following the recent signing of the framework agreement, the Public Value Research Centre (CERVAP), promoted by the University of Ferrara Department of Economics and Management, and the ComPA FVG Foundation, an instrumental body of the National Association of the Italian Municipalities of Friuli-Venezia Giulia, signed the first implementation agreement regarding mapping and simplifying internal processes [...]
Rome, 16 October 2021. Dr. Dario Rocchi, who graduated from the University of Ferrara with a Master’s degree in Management and Public Policies in March of 2021, won the fourth edition of the Antonino Borghi prize, as part of the proceedings at the National Conference on Saturday 16 October 2021 “The National Recovery and Resilience [...]
The Minister for Youth policies, Fabiana Dadone, set up COVIGE, the COmittee for Evaluating the GEnerational Impact of public policies, which will undertake the task of developing indicators and collecting data on the Impact of public policies and measures regarding, either directly or indirectly, the new generations, starting with the results expected from the projects [...]
FORUM PA 2021, once again this year , the most important national event on innovation took place in a purely digital format from 21 to 25 June. In five days, a rich programme of meetings consisting of scenarios, talks, seminars, interviews and training academies totalling 180 hours of live broadcast, over 700 speakers and almost [...]
The subjects monitored are 34 administrations in the “Main Functions” sector that published the Agile Working Organisational Plan (AWOP) by 30 April 2021, on the performance portal or on their institutional website. The average overall quality is around 67%. On the podium of organisations with the highest AWOP programming quality are ISTAT (90%), the Ministry [...]
“Smart working has definitely been essential during the acute phase of the Pandemic and has marked a cultural change from which all the consequent analyses must be drawn”, the Minister of Public Administration Renato Brunetta commented. Out of 162 administrations monitored through the performance portal of the Civil Service Department, 54 of these, or roughly [...]
“The smart working revolution in Public Administration cannot be imposed from above, instead it must be accompanied, supported and monitored carefully. The change must be governed”. Thus the Minister of Public Administration Fabiana Dadone anticipated the recent introduction of the National Observatory of smart working, following the approval in December 2020 of the Guidelines that [...]
The Minister of Public Administration Fabiana Dadone approved the Guidelines that will aid Public Administrations in drawing up the Smart working Plan with special reference to defining suitable performance indicators. Despite it being a way of working already regulated for some time now by Italian law, it is only because of the Covid-19 health emergency [...]
With the extraordinary funding from the EU (Recovery Fund and others) in addition to the ordinary funding, the ability to formulate projects to take advantage of the substantial funds made available to our country becomes even more crucial. Expertise in Project Management is therefore more and more central. It is absolutely necessary to improve the [...]
Dr. Luca Papi, Research Fellow of the University of Ferrara Department of Economics and Management and at the Public Value Research Centre, is the winner of the “Alberto Bisaschi” prize with a work co-written by Prof. Michele Bigoni (University of Kent), Prof. Enrico Deidda Gagliardo (University of Ferrara) and Prof. Warwick Funnell (University of Kent) [...]
Since September 2020, Prof. Enrico Bracci, Vice Director of the Public Value Research Centre (CERVAP), has held the role of Scientific Advisor to the State General Accounting Departmental Study Service (SeSD). The Departmental Study Service, under the direct control of the State Accountant General, is divided into five non-general managerial offices, whose tasks are defined [...]
"I believe strongly in the nudging philosophy, in other words giving change a gentle nudge. I’m convinced that smart working is an unrepeatable occasion for taking our University along a pathway of modernisation, walking alongside the people that make it up”. The Emilia-Romagna Smart Working interview with Prof. Enrico Deidda Gagliardo, Pro-rector of the University [...]
The Public Value Research Centre, of the University of Ferrara, was placed first in the tender for research (Projects for a new Public Administration) Putted out by the National School of Administration (SNA), on the topic of “Improving the results and quality of services”. From the 30 research projects presented by Universities, University and Inter-University [...]