ANCREL Antonino Borghi Prize: former UNIFE and CERVAP student wins the fourth edition

18 October 2021

Rome, 16 October 2021. Dr. Dario Rocchi, who graduated from the University of Ferrara with a Master’s degree in Management and Public Policies in March of 2021, won the fourth edition of the Antonino Borghi prize, as part of the proceedings at the National Conference on Saturday 16 October 2021 “The National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) and the programming system of Local Authorities” organised in Rome, at the Sala Fellini – Roma Events Piazza di Spagna, by the National Association of Local Authority Auditors (ANCREL).

The prize, in its fourth edition, is dedicated to the memory of Antonino Borghi, former president of ANCREL, who is credited with the creation and diffusion of the culture of controls in local administrations. With the intention of promoting research into the subject of accounting and auditing Local Authorities in the academic world, ANCREL awards this prize to the best thesis on areas pertaining to the public accounting and auditing of Local Authorities.

Dr. Dario Rocchi, a Master’s graduate in Business Finance and Management, began this specialisation course in Public Administration in 2018 with a Master in Improving the Performance of Territorial Authorities and other public administrations (PERF.ET Master). The purpose of the thesis entitled “The dimensions of the deficit and financial equilibrium of Local Authorities: a multivariate analysis of the large and medium municipalities of Emilia-Romagna” is to identify, starting from the system of indicators in force, further dimensions of economic-financial imbalance in order to improve the capacity to highlight critical situations in the budgets of Local Authorities.

On receiving the award from Mrs Borghi, Dr. Dario Rocchi thanked the Scientific Committee for the prize, chaired by Prof. Andrea Ziruolo, the National Association of Local Authority Auditors (ANCREL) and the president Dr. Marco Castellani, his tutor Prof. Enrico Deidda Gagliardo and the team from the University of Ferrara Public Value Research Centre (CERVAP).