2020 Report of the National Council for Economics and Labour (CNEL), Prof. Enrico Deidda Gagliardo one of the co-authors with a chapter on the “programming resilience of public administrations”

12 April 2021

The 2020 Report of the National Council for Economics and Labour (CNEL) on the levels and quality of the services offered by Public Administrations to citizens was presented on 30 March 2021 streamed live on the National Council for Economics and Labour’s YouTube channel, in which the Minister of Public Administration the Hon Renato Brunetta also took part.

The eighth report presented to Parliament by the National Council for Economics and Labour (CNEL) came at an exceptional time affected by the Covid pandemic that had a profound impact on the formulation and the content.

“The Pandemic has taught us that infrastructures and digital skills are indispensable for all social and economic activities: schools and universities, above all, health, public and social services, logistics and transport. Smart Working or Distance Learning but also the initial practices of telemedicine have been extremely important for dealing with the emergency but have also highlighted the large gap in our country. And they risk being an enormous burden if we do not run for cover straight away. If we wish to restart quickly after the enforced stop, investments are needed to develop digital networks and infrastructures and to train skills” stated the president of the CNEL, Tiziano Treu.

In drawing up the “CNEL 2020 Report to Parliament and the Government on the levels and quality of services offered by central and local Public Administrations to businesses and citizens” the CNEL was able to call on the valuable collaboration of over twenty public administrations and many experts associated with them, including Prof. Enrico Deidda Gagliardo, Scientific Director of the Public Value Research Centre (CERVAP) as well as being Deputy Pro-rector of the University of Ferrara, who wrote a chapter on “programming resilience. Or rather if and how the administrations have changed their performance programming as a result of the COVID-19 Pandemic”.

“We have placed public human capital at the centre of the recovery to restore dignity, authority, value and pride to those faces of the Republic, as President Mattarella called them, that have been on the front line against Covid and that work every day to provide public services and goods to 60 million Italians. Now let us open up the tenders, renew the contracts, simplify the procedures: we must allow our administrations to put into effect PNRR projects and investments. It’s an enormous responsibility, but also an enormous opportunity”, stated the Minister of PA, the Hon Renato Brunetta.